Find Yourself in Bali 2025

Love, clarity, and connection with yourself.

Immerse yourself in a transformative experience, reconnecting with yourself and the divine.

Where magic transforms your life.

Why Bali?

The Magic of Bali: The Paradise of the Gods

Bali es más que un destino, es un portal hacia tu esencia. Conocida como la Isla de los Dioses, su energía amorosa y femenina despierta tu divinidad interna, mientras sus templos, playas y sabores te envuelven en una experiencia única.
Entre templos milenarios, playas cristalinas y selvas llenas de vida, encontrarás el equilibrio perfecto para sanar, soltar y reconectar contigo misma. Cada rincón de Bali está impregnado de espiritualidad, desde los rituales sagrados de su gente hasta la quietud que se respira en sus paisajes.

Bali is not just a destination; it is a calling. It is the invitation your soul longs for—to awaken, heal, and reconnect with yourself. Known as the Island of the Gods, this sacred sanctuary vibrates with a loving and transformative energy, embracing you with nature, spirituality, and renewal.

Here, time stands still. The sound of the waves whispers messages from the universe, ancient temples guard ancestral wisdom, and each sunrise reminds you that you are part of something greater, deeper, and more sacred.

But Bali is much more than natural beauty. It is one of the seven energy portals of the world, a high-vibration vortex where the elements come into balance, allowing you to release what weighs you down and receive what you truly need.

Plazas limitadas para vivir esta experiencia única.

Ellos ya confiaron en Aura Healing

Empresas y organizaciones que han sido parte de nuestra visión para llevar sanación y bienestar a más personas.
September 7 - 15, 2025
Bali, Indonesia
Immerse yourself in a unique experience of healing, self-love, and spiritual connection on the magical Island of the Gods.
This retreat is designed for those seeking more love, clarity, and inner peace. For 9 days, you will enjoy daily yoga and meditation practices, guided tours to temples and waterfalls, and moments to reconnect with nature in a paradise setting.
Limited spots available

What Awaits You at the Retreat?

Reconnect with Yourself and the Divine

In this 9-day retreat on the magical Island of the Gods, we have designed a complete experience to heal, release, and reconnect with yourself. Here’s what you will experience:

This Retreat Includes

Our Mission

A light that guides you toward personal transformation.

Erika Velez will guide you on the path of heart opening and connection with the divine, allowing you to find your peace and purpose, and achieve fulfillment in your soul.
Our Mission

We facilitate paths to inner peace and holistic well-being.

We connect people with transformative tools and experiences that allow them to rediscover themselves and flourish.
Our Motive

We believe that well-being is not a luxury but a universal right.

Our greatest motivation is to be the bridge between your purest essence and the world you wish to create for yourself.
Discover why this experience will transform your life.

6 Reasons to Choose This Retreat in Bali

Guaranteed Personal Transformation

Experience a journey designed to reconnect with yourself, heal your emotions, and discover your true essence.

Dreamlike Environment

Enjoy paradise beaches, sacred temples, and unique landscapes that inspire you to find peace and clarity.

Daily Holistic Practices

Immerse yourself in yoga sessions, meditation, workshops, and holistic ceremonies that balance body, mind, and spirit.

Connection with Balinese Culture

Experience local rituals and traditions that will awaken your inner energy and enhance your transformation.

Expert Guidance

Guided by facilitator Erika Velez, who has extensive experience in well-being and will help you make the most of every moment.

Small and Personalized Groups

Limited spots to ensure personalized attention and an intimate experience, focused solely on your well-being.

The first step towards your transformation awaits you!
Don't miss this unique opportunity to reconnect with yourself on the magical Island of the Gods. This retreat is designed to transform your life, help you release stress, and discover your true essence.
It's time to decide.

What will I find in this retreat?

More self-love and clarity.

You will discover the power of reconnecting with yourself. You will learn to listen to yourself, accept yourself, and value yourself just as you are.

Reconnect with your spirituality.

This retreat is an invitation to return to yourself, to reconnect with that spiritual part that guides you, gives you peace, and fills you with purpose.

Heal losses or fears.

Through practices like yoga, meditation, and connection with the feminine and divine energy of Bali, we will guide you to transform pain into learning, overcome fears, and gain more confidence.

Find peace and emotional balance.

The search for inner peace, emotional balance, and confidence begins when you allow yourself the pause and connect with divine energy. Come and transform your life.


Transform your life in Bali

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